
Care & Safety

We Care

MTN Bushfire is a conscious and conscientious festival, held in an atmosphere of mutual love and respect. Our first priority is your care and safety, so don’t hesitate to approach anyone with a “Crew” T-shirt for assistance.




Come ready to enjoy yourself!
Appreciate and respect all the elements of MTN Bushfire, including the artwork, the performers and each other.
Look out for First Aid facilities (located by the Global Food Village) and ask if you need medical assistance.
Make sure you keep hydrated.
Bring your own refillable water canister (no single-use plastics!).
Drink alcohol responsibly.
Enjoy our food. There will be a wide range of food options available on site, from sit-down areas to pop-up food stalls.
Contact the nearest security guard or Crew Member at any time if you feel your safety or anyone else’s safety is threatened.
Follow the directions of MTN Bushfire staff and security personnel.
Separate your trash: recycling bins are located throughout the site.
Participate in interactive shows and activities.
Know that authorities are stationed around the site for your safety.
Expect your bags to be searched upon entry.
Politely cooperate if you are searched (we’re just looking out for you).


Remove your wristband until the festival has ended.
Move, deface or otherwise vandalize the artwork.
Use flashes when taking pictures of the stage – it disturbs the artists.
Bring fireworks, lasers, unauthorized professional recording devices and anything else that can interfere with the performances. Flashlights are only allowed in the campsite.
Drink alcohol outside the festival entrance or in the parking lot.
Bring pets.
Drop cigarette butts or litter on the ground.
Bring food or drinks, alcoholic or non-alcoholic, from outside or from the camping areas into the festival arena. You will be searched as you exit the campsite to enter the festival arena, and any food will be confiscated and drinking flasks will be emptied.
Bring or use illegal drugs of any kind in the festival or campsites.
Bring any foam or single-use plastic bottles or cups.
Bring any weapons, explosives or other harmful items into the festival or campsite.
Bring camping gear into the festival arena.
Fly any drones at the festival or campsite, unless you’re an authorized videographer.
Try to buy alcohol if you’re a minor.

MTN Bushfire reserves the right to refuse admission into the festival at any time and to eject festivalgoers who do not respect these guidelines.

Police, Fire and Emergency Medical Technicians with an ambulance are always on site. Their tents can be found behind and to the side of the Global Food Village. Emergency contact numbers will be available on the big information screens around the festival as well as from the Info Stand.

You can ask anyone with a “Crew” T-shirt and a radio for help at any time. If you don’t need urgent assistance, you can find most information available from the friendly staff at the Info Stand, just next to the Global Food Village entrance.

The Info stand is situated by the entrance to the Global Food Village and marked by a large sign. Here, you can get directions, report or recover lost property and ask for assistance of any sort, including emergency police or medical help.

The Info Stand will help with lost property. Lost items get lonely and need their homes; if you find lost property, please hand it in to the friendly staff at the Info Stand immediately and they will care for it until they can be restored to their owners.

If you experience a crime of any sort, please report it to the police promptly. The police tent is situated behind the Global Food Village. Ask at the Info Stand or ask any member of the Festival Crew to help you find it.

MTN Bushfire does not condone the use of drugs. Drug enforcement laws are as applicable onsite as anywhere else in Eswatini. It is illegal to buy, sell or take drugs. It is also illegal to buy or drink alcohol if you are under 18 years of age. However, we want you to know that our first priority is to take care of you. If you or a friend get sick, or consume too much alcohol, please ask for assistance from crew or medical personnel right away, and always be honest with medical personnel about what you have consumed.